


    We accept online donations.

    For your protection, all transactions are processed through Moneris Gateway.

    You will be transfered to a secure internet connection when you click submit

    Contact Information:
    * Required Field
    * First Name:
    * Last Name:
    Tithing No.:
    * Address:
    * City:
    *Postal Code/Zip Code:

    Select a Donation Amount
    Your generosity and support are greatly appreciated!

    Select a donation amount:

    How Often?
    Select Recurring Frequency and Duration (optional)

    (Select Frequency)
    Duration: How many Months for the Donation
    (1-36 Months)
    You have chosen to make a donation in the amount of $ CAD
    for the next month(s).

    Designate a Focus Area (optional)
    You may designate your gift to a specific Focus Area (limit one).

    Select Focus Area:

    All Donations are in Canadian Dollars
    All Donors information is strictly confidential and will not be shared with third parties.